
The MC2 LTD.

The company was established in 1996 as the legal successor of Mc Négyzet Bt. (Founded in 1993). In addition to several business and office software products, the Forrás LIMS laboratory system was also present in the portfolio.

The LIMS product has become decisive in our history and has become our main field of activity. Previous business products (warehouse management, invoicing, customer relations) have been integrated into LIMS. The LIMS systems of our customer base, which is expanding year by year, are supported by a permanent, experienced team.

In 2020, there was a significant staff expansion to meet the growing demands.

In 2020, we accredited our support system according to the ISO 9001: 2015 certification.

Short story of ORACULUM LIMS, Forras LIMS

1994 - Forras DOS

The first working copy of the Forrás LIMS running under DOS was used in 1994 by the laboratory of the ÁNTSZ Metropolitan Institute in the Drinking Water area. The development was taken over by a large number of ÁNTSZ laboratories, 3 years later 10 of the 19 county laboratories used Forrás LIMS for drinking water samples. Due to the flexibility of the DOS version, it was so successful that it was a later WINDOWS development that only switched to years later.

1998 - Forrás LIMS WINDOWS

Subsequent, second-generation software was written for WINDOWS 95 and has been in use since 1998.

Our first non-ÁNTSZ user was Fejérvíz Zrt., Our relationship is still alive today.

Subsequently, in addition to the Drinking Water field, we processed dozens of other fields, as a result of which several national laboratory networks and individual laboratories chose our development.

2019 - Oraculum LIMS

From 2019, we will develop our third generation product, a summary of our previous knowledge, ORACULUM LIMS for short, OLIMS. Our goal is to use electronic solutions in a paperless laboratory.

2020 - MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, ISO 9001:2015

In 2020, the service was expanded, adapting to the requirements of MSZ EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018. At the same time, we have accredited our support system according to the ISO 9001: 2015 certification.

Details about the software can be found in the Solutions menu.

Short story of “QualcoDuna proficiency testing system”


In 2007, on behalf of VITUKI, we had the opportunity to develop and implement an IT solution for the Circular Inspection System organized by VITUKI. Until then, manual processing was already supported by automations in the initial IT system.

From 2012, the system was taken over by WESSLING and we were commissioned to further develop it.


The software includes a number of convenience features. From the organization of proficiency testing, to the administration of samples, to the evaluation and release of results, efficient and process-controlled solutions everywhere help transparent operation, creating the opportunity for operators to access all information in an integrated system. Through its automations, the software generates the documents itself, so users connected to the system receive customized documents.

Newer areas of expertise

The specializations of the software have also been further expanded, both the participants in the Proficiency Test and the operators of the software can enjoy the services of the software in new areas.

The system is available at

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OKIR -FEVI database

Example of connection to a national system

The electronic data collection of the FEVI (Surface Water) database related to the OKIR system started in 2006. The data were submitted by KÖFE laboratories from their own local systems to the central Oracle-based database.

In 2015, the database was expanded with FAVI (Underground) and EMISZ (emission) data.

We have developed the data sending program, we have developed it under JAVA for the sake of portability.
Budapest, Viktor Hugo u. 11.-14.

LIMS softwares